A letter from our CEO, Amir Aghdaei to our customers.
To Our Valued Envista Customers,
As we follow the rapidly evolving news around the world, we can agree these are unprecedented and uncertain times. Now more than ever I wanted to convey our top priority is the health and well -being of our customers, their practices, our employees, and all of our families. We hope you are taking every precaution and measure to remain well.
As we continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking extraordinary steps as a company to protect the health and well-being of each of our 12,000 employees worldwide, and we extend that care to each of you.
We have instructed our sales team and any other employee who may have direct contact with you, or anyone in your practice, to take a few cautionary steps, closely following CDC and WHO guidelines. This includes encouraging our teams to work from home; practicing social distancing; closely monitoring ourselves and our loved ones and communicating by phone, email, and video conference when possible.
To follow CDC and WHO guidelines, we have decided to suspend our world-class training and education programs, as well as our product demonstrations that we know add tremendous value to each of your businesses. With all this said, we want to ensure you know your business is our highest priority and we will continue to manufacture and ship essential products to ensure you have what you need to conduct business. We will do our best to keep our production facilities running at full capacity, and our distribution channels fully open.
As passionate and caring members of the global healthcare community, we are coming together now as a community of citizens, all with the single purpose of managing through the effects of COVID-19. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if I can be of any assistance. I can be reached at amir.aghdaei@envistaco.com
Amir Aghdaei
CEO, Envista Holdings