Meet Dr. Andrea Torres

Andrea Torres’s journey into orthodontics began with a fascination for solving complex problems and a vision of a self-directed career. Growing up, she loved working with computers, exploring graphic design, and engaging in various sports. She dreamed of a future where she could combine her love for creativity and challenges with making an impact. After receiving a scholarship that sparked her interest in dentistry; orthodontics with its blend of art and science felt like crafting a masterpiece, and Andrea was determined to excel in it.

Andrea graduated from orthodontic residency in Madrid (Spain), and began her career at a bustling practice where she was introduced to digital treatment planning. She was fascinated by the ability to diagnose one day and do a digital treatment plan soon after. The process of treating malocclusions with aligners through digital workflows was so engaging that she began teaching aligner biomechanics while combining clinical work.

Andrea’s leadership journey took a significant turn when she transitioned from practice to corporate to give clinical support and education for another dental company first in Madrid (Spain) and later in Dubai, (United Arab Emirates). In September 2020, she joined the Envista family based in The Netherlands as the Education Manager for Spark, Ormco’s clear aligner brand. In this role, she ensured the education strategy aligned with the business strategy and that clear aligner education met doctors’ needs.

“As a clinician, I could only impact one patient at a time, but now we can help numerous clinicians and all of their patients through continued education,” said Andrea. “It’s like being able to multiply my efforts and see the ripple effect of better dental care across the globe.”

Andrea played a pivotal role in developing Spark’s educational arm in Europe. “When I joined the team, it was a team of three supporting Europe. I was fortunate to help put Spark on the map through the development and execution of a robust educational portfolio. With the hard work of the Ormco team, Spark earned its place alongside other top clear aligner brands.” It wasn’t long after that, her responsibilities expanded to look after the complete orthodontic portfolio supporting brackets and aligners. 

Recently, Andrea transitioned to the implant side of the business, where she leads clinical and professional education for Nobel Biocare in North America. Seeking even more international experience, she relocated to the United States. She appreciates helping shape doctors’ post-graduate educational pathways and resources.

“Helping doctors get the training and tools they need is part of our mission to democratize dental care,” said Andrea. “We are here to educate, and I take pride in helping other doctors deliver even better patient care.”

“At Envista we put doctors at the center of everything we do,” said Andrea. “As a former doctor and one of the many that work in this company, I am proud to work at Envista and be able to shape the future of Clinical Excellence in Dental.”