Envista: A Mother of a Dental Company
As we approach Mother’s Day, we celebrate our Envista moms and the role they play in being a champion for Envista and their families. Claudia Ortiz, Senior Vice President (SVP) Regulatory Affairs & Quality Assurance, is a mother of two and has faced the demands and challenges of being a working mom, while also experiencing the enormous fulfillment of it. Claudia shared what being a working mom is like for her personally, how she feels supported at Envista, and her encouragement for other working moms.
What is it like for you personally being a working mom in an executive role?
Being a mom and an SVP are both very demanding and challenging, but also enormously fulfilling. I am committed to both and am not willing to sacrifice one for the sake of the other. There is no magic recipe for balancing motherhood with a leadership role and I certainly have not figured out how to perfectly balance both. While there are times when I feel like I am failing on all fronts, I have stopped feeling guilty about it and have instead learned a few things to live by that help me manage the challenges and chaos of being an executive mom.
Instead of chasing elusive work-life balance, know that work-life demands constantly change. There are times where I need to pour more energy into my work and times where I get to give even more to my family. Knowing that the work-life demands are constantly changing, allows me to flow with it, rather than resist it. I ask my children which activities are important to them and prioritize those, then I lose the mom guilt about missing the other activities. Lastly, building a support system of family and friends who can help with the kid’s activities has been a relief when work demands are high. Oh, and just learn to accept the chaos.
How has Envista supported you as a working mom?
I am grateful for the network of other working mothers who champion each other and provide great advice and support. Having flexible work hours allows me to find balance between home and work. While some work-life separation is important, Envista has allowed me to bring my kids into my career. Involving my 12-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter in my work by allowing them to see firsthand what I do has helped us both and gives them an opportunity to feel a part of it. I do this by allowing them to be present when I take work phone calls, or simply say “hi” to a colleague over Teams before they leave for school. Sometimes the littlest things go a long way for our children and for us.
What encouragement do you have for other working moms at Envista?
As challenging as life and work may get at times, don’t limit yourself in what you can achieve in life. You can be a mom and pursue a highly successful career simultaneously, but you must be okay asking for help, adjusting your expectations, and creating boundaries. You have a community of other working mothers to support you during the process and we are all in this together!